Invention-Packed Market Street of Bedrock

In the luxurious market street of Bedrock, we use:

  • Shells as personal computers 
  • Horses to reach apples from the trees
  • Mushrooms as frisbees to play catch with our dinosaur dogs
  • And pulley machines to lower our food above the fire (but not too close!)
  • String telephones using the all-important red LEGO coffee mugs
  • The first stage lights, which double as power lines to use with shell-phones!
  • They even have B-LAN: Bedrock Local Area Network!

More features include:

  • A time traveller who seems to be selling photographic devices in Bedrock Tech.
  • The first “rock” concert, they’re making noise with actual rocks. Is this where the term came from?
  • A dollhouse style interior for both the Stone-Age Seasonal Coffee and Bedrock Tech store.
  • The Patheolithic Produce stand contains plenty of kitchenware and food for the people of Bedrock.
  • The Prehistoric Pet Shop allows people to play with their animals with newly designed toys.
  • And is that some sort of Caveman Chocolate Cereal outside the coffee shop?

#flintstones contest
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Transform your LEGO bricks into wacky Bedrock inventions!

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