BRICK: Not Just a Newspaper.

  • we all know this confrontation between spider-man and green goblin.
  • goblin crashes a newspaper to show spider-man that he will destroy DB building in the same way ('eater egg' like hidden on the left newspaper page about what comic book I am referring to).
  • but even we have green goblin and spider-man within lego world but! to crash the building in the lego world - this building shall exist!!! this is the point on the right lower corner. :)
  • this phrase at the bottom as well has some meaning :)
  • and the newspaper's picture on the right side is an additional funny fact you can google...

Context and construction details:
  • that's my first amateur' try :) hope it wins
  • all comic cover is created with only lego official blocks(some could be obsolete) with help of studio app - design and render. no photoshop.

#comic book
Image attached to challenge
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Your friendly neighborhood comic book hero!

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