Brick: Spider-Man's Trophy Wall

The Lady Mayor hands over the keys of the city to Spider-man after he defeats Sandman, Carnage and Venom. 
In his honour, the city has built a trophy wall, where the three villains are represented. A beautiful spider keeps an eye on the villains and reminds us that Peter Parker's powers come from a spider bite, but shhh, it's a secret!

Handing over the keys of the city to the city's champion and/or benefactor is an age-old tradition to honour the person who has liberated the city or contributed to its development in a significant way. Thus, Peter Parker/Spider-Man is officially recognised as the city's benefactor, and thanked for all his many services!

PS: As I didn't have the minifigures of the villains from Spider-man's world, I chose to create the faces of the said villains in 2D.
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