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Marble Machine X (and original Marble Machine)

I built the Marble Machine back in 2016, when Wintergatan uploaded the original music video. ( I immeadiatly fell in love with the concept and design of it and just had to make a lego version of Martin Molin's creation. at this time i still used LDD and the only thing i changed for this entry is the colour of the pieces, because back then i didn't really know how the colours would look irl. 

The Marble Machine X however was specificly built for this contest. It's based on an updated design of the original Marble Machine that isn't finished at this moment. it's supposed to work better, play tighter music and be more easily dissasembled than the origial. It's design is also more thought through, given that martin has worked with several engineers from all around the world on the it.
#marble machine
#music machine
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