LL 2200 - Dart-Class Scout Shuttle

I never had any of the classic space sets - I'm too new to LEGO for that. However, their style is certainly striking, and this was a very fun challenge! This model is partly inspired by classic space, and partly by advanced real-world concepts and my own imagination. It features the almost obligatory blue and grey color scheme, with angular yellow windows and plenty of fins and antennae. This spacecraft has seats for three crew members, a pilot (blue), a flight engineer (red), and a scientist (yellow). It has long, retractable landing gear, allowing the crew to board by way of the opening boarding ramp. The shuttle is propelled by an aerospike engine, which is a variant on a traditional rocket that works efficiently at all altitudes. The engine is fed by two massive intakes, which allows the craft to fly with much less fuel. All in all, I hope I've done justice to the legacy of Classic Space, with a modern flair.
Happy 90th birthday, LEGO!
#classic space
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90th Anniversary: Space Celebrations

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