Baseball Field

Swing batter batter swing! The stands are packed and the visiting team has the bases loaded. The batter steps to the plate, the windup, the pitch. Swing, the crack of the bat, and the crowd erupts! There is nothing like the game of baseball. I knew going into this challenge that I wanted to build something in micro scale and I thought that the round shape of the field would be a fun challenge. The field is complete with bases, foul lines, foul poles, bleachers and a giant video board. On the field the white columns are the home team, the gray the visiting team, and the dark gray and black are umpires. The most challenging part of this was to figure out how to attach the video board to the outfield at that angle. A few pieces are in mismatched colors simply because I wasn't able to source them in the correct colors. I think this would make a great Gift With Purchase set because LEGO has made sets for other sports but none (at least to my knowledge) of baseball. 
Hope you all enjoy! 😁

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