Al's Chemical Workshop

Sir Albert Leadsly, known to friends as Al, has a very special gift- the uncanny ability to turn any brick into gold! Through a very complicated system (Al doesn't understand it completely either), full of colorful liquids and smoking bowls, little gold studs pour out for the world to enjoy. While fabulously rich, Al is a bit of a klutz, resulting in several spills and happy accidents that populate his lab- some right on his workspace! Please enjoy taking a tour of this magical, Al-chemical area!

  • Enjoy a zany chemistry setup featuring new pieces in transparent colors.
  • Find new equations and formulas on a freshly-wiped blackboard (but mind the candle!)
  • Rummage through boxes and crates for the perfect new ingredient!
  • Explore books upon books from the best writers, like A.U. Johnson and P.B. Smith.

Thank you for looking at Al's Chemical workshop!

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