Modular Enthroned Hall

Once upon a time in an unknown land. An old, domineering king ruled there. He ruled with a hard hand and strict leadership. His people feared the domineering king.
But his daughter, the princess, was very popular with the people. She had a heart for the people and listened to them. When the king grew old and weak, he took it into his heart to hand over the reign to his daughter. The people rejoiced and took new courage. 

My idea shows the modular enthroned hall with the old king and the princess.

There are two majestic carved wooden royal chairs in the throne room. These stand on a gallery. There is a red carpet on the floor in the throne room. 

The throne room has a modular design. It is designed so that it can be combined with other self-designed rooms of the same size. This means that everyone can put together their own modular castle in their own size. There are no limits to your imagination and creativity.

Number of Bricks


#enthroned hall
#throne room
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