Microscale Ship Model

Introducing the all new Miscroscale Ship Model (styled after the Galleon). While this mini Galleon can't carry much cargo, it won't take up a lot of space either, making it a great display model.

I'm a huge fan of Lego ships and microcsale building, so I whole-heartedly believe that Lego needs to release a microscale ship set. This would truly be a Dream Gift With Purchase for me.

I really wanted to include as many authentic details as possible in my build. Some of these details are:
-triangular 'lateen' sail
-spoked steering wheel
-crows nest
-captains cabin entrance
-lots of windows
-angled bowsprit
-walrus-like figurehead

Thank you so much for everyone in the Lego Ideas community who supports this build! I truly appreciate it.

Number of Bricks


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Build the Gift of Purchase Set of your Dreams

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