The Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi puzzle consists of some number of discs in different sizes (in my case there are 3 discs) and usually 3 pegs - the initial peg is the one where all the discs are stacked at the beginning of the puzzle, the goal peg is the peg to which we want to transfer the tower and the auxiliary peg which helps us to transfer the discs. The goal is to transfer the discs from the initial to the goal peg obeying the divine rule which states that no larger disc may be placed onto a smaller one.

The Tower of Hanoi was invented by French mathematician Eduard Lucas in 1883, but in modern science, it still serves as one of the main examples of recursion as well as a motivation for many yet unresolved problems in mathematics, psychology and elsewhere.

Despite its important role in science, it is an elegant and simple puzzle that can be enjoyed by people of any age.

My model of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle consists of just above 200 LEGO bricks (203 to be exact).
#tower of hanoi
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