Ice Fishing on Enceladus

Take an extreme dream holiday to Enceladus, the moon of Saturn most likely to harbor life to experience one of the weirdest sports in the solar system - alien Ice fishing!

Naturally Felicity Fearless is up for the challenge, but it’s one of the most dangerous she will ever try. The only place on this tiny moon where the ice is thin enough to attempt to fish is at the South Pole. But this is also where giant jets of water shoot kilometres into the sky, and the surface is very unstable. As she relaxes on her thermal seat, her trusty Quadraped pod vehicle is ready and primed to lift her off at a moment’s notice!

My build is a slice through the ultra-thick ice and what’s beneath showing the weird creatures living in this totally dark and extreme habitat.

This build is hollow and exactly 249 bricks. Enjoy!

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