Biking, Hiking, and Canoeing!

    This model shows three different minifigures doing and seeing some of the things that I would like to do and see on my dream vacation.  The first minifigure is canoeing down a river with a green hill and a cliff to the side of him.  The second minifigure is riding his bike on the nice trail on top of the hill.  A tree, a snake, and some plants are to the side of him.  The third minifigure is going hiking.  She is walking over a bridge at the top of the cliff.  The bridge goes over a stream, which leads into a waterfall, which cascades into the river below.  

    I don't know the exact number of pieces that this model has, but I think it is around 230. 

    Thanks for checking out my model and please leave a comment.  Go and check out the other models that I have posted too.           

#my dream vacation
#nature scene
#minifigure scene
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