Book Time at the Beach!

Spend an afternoon relaxing with a bag full of books by the ocean side! When you're ready to go, pack it all up and head home. Just be careful not to spill...

  • Includes a folding beach chair, 2 (dictionary-sized) books, a can of soda, and a beach bag.
  • Beach chair can be folded up just like the real thing!
  • Load the books and the soda can into the beach bag.
  • Attach the beach bag to the folded beach chair and carry the model with you to your favorite holiday spot.

I saw this building contest as an opportunity to construct a model to represent three of my favorite things - LEGO, books, and the beach! As a kid in South Carolina, I loved spending summer afternoons on the beach. My ideal holiday would be spent back at my hometown beach, Hunting Island State Park, with a comfortable chair and some good reading material. 

Thanks for viewing my entry! Good luck everybody :)

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Build that holiday into THAT holiday!

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