Dream Vacation of a Family

We are a family of five. I am Hasan, my wife Canan and our twin daughters Ela & Lara and our cat Smoke.
I consulted my family about idea. The common idea of everyone was to jump on our motorboat and go to a Tropical Deserted island. So I asked what everyone wanted to do.

- My wife Canan, as every woman loves, said that she wants to on her sunbed all day, Read Book and eat fruit...
- Ela said she wanted to build a big sand castle and eat ice cream.
- Lara wanted to take a picture of everything. She love that.
- Our cat Smoke said it would be very enjoyable to play with moved Crabs,
- I love so much my wish to fish, which is the most enjoyable way to relax during the holiday.

Based on these ideas, I started to make my lego model. I liked this idea so much that I preferred to do it with real lego pieces instead of doing it digitally. And the resulting design was "the Dream Vacation of a Family".
250 pieces in total

We wish everyone a dream holiday after these hard days.

I hope you like it my model
Image attached to challenge
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Build that holiday into THAT holiday!

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