Go-Kart Race Day

Who has always wanted to drive a car as a kid? Well, what better way to do that then drive a go-kart? This fun activity enables kids to partially learn how to drive without dealing with terrible drivers, kind of. With an open track and limitless fun, you are able to drive as a fast as the kart will allow.
This entry consists of the following:
  • 3 minifigures
  • 3 go-karts
  • 3 trophy's (1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)
  • 3 helmets
  • Gas can
  • Tool cart (1 wrench and oil can)
This build has a total of 224 pieces including the figures and would make the perfect with-purchase set!
I am sorry I couldn't get any more pictures, an error kept occurring.
I hope you enjoy my entry and may the best build win!
Good luck everyone! Be sure to check out my profile as well as my brothers @Greedo Bricks
Thank you and have a great day!
-Freedom Bricks

Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Build that holiday into THAT holiday!

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