Undersea Cave

I thought to myself: Why couldn't there be a completed submerged tower floor in the LEGO world, and voila:  I give you the Undersea Cave LEGO Tower floor!

A sunken ship with its broken mast and a captain that's seen better days; an open treasure chest with oodles of long-forgotten riches; a mysterious bejeweled carving of a skull tucked back in a cave; wondrous underwater plant and animal life abound.   And yes, that is two crabs fighting over a coin.

This was super fun to build simply because of the ridiculousness of it all.  A sea floor scene in a skyscraper!


P.S. I'm not very good with photo editing stuff, but I did include a picture with a blue gradient to give it SOME kind of underwater feel.
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Design a virtual floor for the LEGO Tower game!

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