master builder's workshop

This is a master builder's workshop. On the left I added a minifigure stand & a tub full of Lego bricks. On the right I added a chair & a table with a lamp & a Lego set unopen. Also I added some Easter eggs from your past Lego ideas sets:
  1. map for the maze set on the wall
  2. bird stand with 2 birds for the birds set
  3. microscale version of the old fishing store set on the floor
  4. microscale version of the ship in a bottle set on the desk
  5. microscale version of the exo suit set on the right side of the floor
  6. a book for the pop-up book set on the exo suit's hand
Finally I added a microscale blimp on the roof.
Let's give a round of applause to all our Lego builders young & old when this is on Lego tower.  

#lego tower game
#master builder
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Design a virtual floor for the LEGO Tower game!

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