Space Juice Processing Floor

On this floor the much sought after Formula GR-34T is created and distributed. The locals just call it "Great Juice."

The pod, which doubles as a sleeping chamber, flies into space and harvests the necessary ingredients from various locations throughout the universe.  Once gathered, the ingredients are processed via the patented GR-34T juicing algorithm and then stored and cooled in a solar-powered refrigeration canister.

A great amount of effort is being put into upgrading the algorithm to create new and exciting formulas.  Formula GR-4P3 and Formula GR-4VI-T (which is theorized to make the drinker temporarily weightless) are nearly perfected!

A table and chair is provided for taking breaks between interstellar gathering excursions and a cart used to unload and store the ingredients until they can be processed sits in the manufacturing area.

I was inspired to create this floor after watching one of my favorite films, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
#lego tower
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