Junker Bastion: The Lone Warrior

Junker Bastion
Bastion is the defensive character in Overwatch. It can turn itself into a stationery Gatling gun.
Normally a Bastion would be grey, but I have made this Junker Bastion in shades of yellow and brown. Bastion usually has a gun in its right hand and heals itself using its left hand. But Junker Bastion not only has the gun its right hand but also has a sword in its right hand. It also has a spare weapon behind it. The Gatling gun is unchanged. Junker Bastion is sitting on a rock surrounded by the Australian Outback's bushes,venomous spiders,scorpions and snakes. There are minor modifications to the body of the Bastion. There is a huge signboard behind Junker Bastion(But it is empty). 
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