O.va-haul, D.va in Junkertown Makeover
Crash landed, on a secret mission to infiltrate Junkertown, Hana Song finds herself having to rebuild her mech. Disguised as a competitor in the Junkertown arena, Hana quickly rises through the ranks. Using whatever earnings she has, she further modifies her mech and realizes she has a knack for junking.
She currently occupies the top spot in the arena and is also well known for maintaining a plentiful stock of parts from her excursions into the outback. Overhaul Outfitters is THE place to go for parts if you have the cash and/or collateral.
Her mech, now dubbed O.va-haul, is outfitted with two hulking arms. One sports a grappling claw, the other a powerful, rocket driven arm that can pack quite a punch! Her blasters have been reconfigured with arc emitters, for welding as well as disabling foes. Of course, the most startling modification is the absence of legs! The single wheel is driven by two powerful, synchronized motors on either side. O.va-haul is ready for action! Bring it on!
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