Junkyard Bastion

This is Bastion if he was found destroyed in Junkertown and rebuilt by the locals with the parts they had available.  

Most of his armor is gone, so he's been armored with gears, tires, tank track, and anything else they could find.  

Half of his right arm was gone, so they moved his back mounted cannon to his arm.  His left hand wasn't fierce enough, so his fingers were replaced with blades.  He wears trophy bones across his chest and a crown of horns on his head to warn everyone that he means business!

His companion bird flew away, but no worries, mate.  He made friends with a dingo that goes everywhere with him.

Bastion is ready to roam the Australian Outback!
#overwatch contest
#junker bastion
Image attached to challenge
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Show us your Junker-inspired interpretation of an Overwatch hero!

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