Episode IV - A new hope
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Shows the book in its starting position, right after it is opened. Mos Eisley on the left, The Death Star in the center with some highlighted scenes like lea in prison, the escape to the trash compactor and the battle between master and student. The right side features Yavin 4 with rebel base and the deployment of the X-wing. Alderaan is floating in the back.
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The back of the book, showing some hinges and the mechanism that supports Alderaan.
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A close-up of Mos Eisley and the departing of the Millennium Falcon. Alderaan and the turning mechanism behind it. The battle between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan. Here Obi-Wan mysteriously disappears with the help of a 2x2 turning plate, nobody will ever suspect that he is hiding behind another brick.
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Deployment of the X-wings and the collapse of the Death star, the final scenes of the movie
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Closed book to show how it all fits. A close-up of the background scenery and of all the hinges and moving parts
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