The Tale of Light and Shadows

The tale of forces of light facing the unstoppable power of darkness. How it will end? You decide.

Featuring a pop-up scene of the castle of light and the shadow dragon. The main pop-up scene contains the castle itself and one of the dragon's wings. The dragon's body is connected to the book's spine with a turntable and rotates in such an angle it rests in the farther part of the book (when folded). The string lego piece pulls the its tail to rotate on opening.
Sadly, I couldn't find the original pop-up book in local stores so I recreated a rough copy of it with what i have. The copy is made with the same connection points so my pop-up scene should work with the genuine cover.
Just to be clear, the dragon's lower neck is made of slizer/throwbot visor piece. Everything else is mostly System with some CCBS (action figures) parts.

Hope you all will enjoy my entry as much as I did building it. Good luck, everyone!

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