LEGO | IDEAS | 15 - 3D Ambigram

This is my second 3D ambigram built with LEGO. Looking from the 3 main views it will show you 3 different shapes: Front - LEGO / Top - IDEAS - Left side - 15.

When I saw the challenge for the first time, I immediately knew that I would try to build something like this. The biggest challenge was the rather slim silhouette of the number 15 which made it quite tricky to build the letters in the other 2 views.

The left block is built in the original 5 LEGO colors, which were part of the LEGO System logo for a while. It represents this part of the logo, only rotated by 90 degrees. The other 4 blocks are created in 4 of my favorite new colors: Lime, orange, medium azure and purple.
#15 years
#3d ambigram
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
15 Years of LEGO Ideas

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