Disney Partner Statue

For my family, many our very fondest memories are those shared at the Disney Parks. For a few days, we are able to escape and create our own stories alongside the characters and attractions we've come to love.

Ever since purchasing the LEGO Disney Castle in 2016, I've wanted to use LEGO to "bring the magic home." The iconic "Partner Statue" of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse is found in all 6 international Disney resorts, and it remains most famous place to take a family photo in the Happiest Place on Earth!

Displaying the Partner Statue alongside the castle is a simple way to expand your own Disney park while bringing your family into the fold. This set includes a minifig Disney family and a "Photopass" photographer to help capture the magic for that one iconic shot.

Ultimately, Disney will always be about family, and I love the idea of bringing them into the LEGO Disney fold.

You must agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate in this Challenge. You can also confirm your submission is between 50 and 800 elements:

I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 800 elements.

#walt disney
#walt disney world
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