The Magic of a Wish

When you wish, think of all the joy that you will find. When you dream, there is a smile in your heart. Capturing the heart of beloved Disney fairytales, this set is sure to evoke memories of nostalgic childhood fantasy.
Snow White is bringing an apple to her beloved dwarves who are working hard mining away. In Geppetto's workshop, Jiminy Cricket is explaining to Pinocchio what it takes to become a real boy. Bidding their cares behind, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are on an adventure in Neverland on the Jolly Roger. Aurora's rose and Prince Charming's sword symbolically lay on the castle's balcony. Can you see the menacing spindle at the castle's entry? Mickey Mouse is spinning his magic, sharing wonder to all generations.

As you put together this set, much like its designer, don't be surprised if you start humming familiar, nostalgic tunes.

You must agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate in this Challenge. You can also confirm your submission is between 50 and 800 elements:

I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 800 elements.

#mickey mouse
#peter pan
#snow white
#sleeping beauty
#jiminy cricket
#seven dwarves
#lego disney
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
100 years of fairytales!

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