...There Was an Enchanted Rose...

"Once upon a time, in a faraway land.." The first word's of Disney's Beauty and the Beast set the stage with the classic fairy tale words, which we all have all come to know. Disney, from the beginning, has taken those fairy tales and created new cultural classics. This rose, a truly enchanted rose, reminds us that classic tale, in which Beauty learned to love a Beast. A simple display, one which reminisces to the Lego Botanical collection, while also standing out as something unique. It floats above the display, with blue magic studs surrounding it, helping bring the magic to life. It can be displayed as in the beginning of the film, with a single fallen petal. Or, as at the end of the film, complete with all it's petals (Shown in last image). A beautiful addition for any fan, of Lego, Disney, or simply magic. 388 Parts

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I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 800 elements.

#beauty and the beast
#fairy tales
#fairy tale
#mrs potts
#dark pink
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
100 years of fairytales!

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