VCLPM - We need to find a better name.

Voice controlled LEGO?  Pondering this idea, I went about my day to day activities looking for inspiration.

Unfortunately, my ideas would probably get old and boring really quickly.

IMPOSSIBLE, LEGO cannot be old or boring, an idea must be found.

It is then I realise one thing I am always complaining or saying,
“I wish they would make…”

That’s it, a Voice-Controlled LEGO Possibilities Machine, the VCLPM.
Maybe not the name to use but the concept was and is very exciting. This is the LEGO idea I needed!
Using the VCLPM and programable brick modules, you could create any sort of electronic device you wanted to.

Example, I want to create an Indoor plant pot. Using the VCLPM, I could find a template or start building my own idea straight away.
Placing the working base plate onto the VCLPM I would start collecting and configuring the brick modules I wish to use. 

Possible Brick modules
Mic, Speaker, Wi-Fi, Temp, Battery

I would first place the Program Brick on the right side of the VCLPM where it will remain until all the other brick modules have been configured. Placing each brick on the Left side of the VCLPM I configure them to do what I would like the device to do. This is done using your Voice through the VCLPM internal Microphone. As each brick is configured the VCLPM will display the appropriate location on the base plate to place the bricks. The VCLPM will also promote suggestions for bricks to use to help create the final project.

Once all brick modules are configured and place in the appropriate locations, the project can be housed and constructed in whatever manner your imagination wishes it to look like. In my example of an Indoor plant pot some kind of decorative pot to place a beautiful plant in would be the desired look.
The VCLPM can also help create a simple phone app to use when interacting with your creation.

In summary, you can automate, control, or create anything your mind can come up with.
LEGO Weather Calendar
LEGO Internet Radio
LEGO City train network.


#programming bricks
#lego voice
Image attached to challenge
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