Lego Secretary

Is your assistant out sick for the day?  Is your computer on the fritz and tech support is on vacation?  Did you drop your phone in the toilet...AGAIN? You need to write down this idea before you forget it but manual labor is just too hard. Oh I know, try the new Lego Secretary.  This sweet piece of modern tech can recognize your voice and take notes faster than you can think of them.  With a simple command you can save these notes as a digital file or print them out.  Lego Secretary can even read back your notes to you.  Are you really in a pinch because the apocalypse has happened and there is no power?  Don't worry friend, the Lego Secretary is also a fully functional manual typewriter.  WARNING: In the event an apocalypse has happened do not eat the Lego Secretary.  The Lego Secretary provides no nutritional value and may become a chocking hazard if ingested.
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