Lego Mindstorms Pizza Maker

Using Mindstorms ev3 and amazon alexa, I have designed a pizza maker. You can press the touch sensor to activate alexa and then tell her to make a pizza. You will then have to insert a coin of $1. If it is smaller, you will receive your coin in the coin rejector. When the ultrasonic sensor senses the coin, it tells the machine to start preparing the pizza. Using a large motor,
the pizza base is pushed on a set of treads which carries it through the sauce and cheese dispensers. Alexa then asks you which toppings you prefer on your pizza and you tell her accordingly, with the help of a grabber, the toppings are put.. It is then pushed into a metal container containing heaters to cook the pizza. Once it is cooked, it is pushed on to another set of treads by a metallic arm. With the help of a grabber the pizza is put into a  box along with oregano and chilli flakes satchets. The box is dropped on to another set of treads which carries it to the dispenser.
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