Voice Controlled Pet Sitter
Introducing Lego Pet Sitter - A must have Lego set for every pet lover!!
Many people go to work or school, and have to leave their beloved pets at home by themselves. What do they do when nobody is around? This is the set that keeps them accompany and takes care of their basic needs.
The Lego Pet Sitter performs different functions depending on the type of pets. It can detect the different sounds a dog or cat makes.
Hungry bark or meow? The food dispenser will drop a preset amount of food.
Sound sleepy? The speaker will start playing soothing music during nap time.
Getting bored? Lively music plays and a few fun games start:
- Play fetch - A small ball is thrown and they have to bring it back
- Mice chase - Deploy a battery operated mice roaming around to keep your pet active, navigate back to the charging station when the battery is running low
- Laser chasing - Cats love this
A special treat drops after the game as a reward.
Angry bark or hissing? Something must have happened, it will trigger the security camera so the owner can see if everything is okay and even video chat with them.
This set also accepts human commands for the above features when your hands are tied. E.g. you just got the 4700 pieces Lego set ;)
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