Mission 2 Mars: Project Baraka

Since the beginning of humanity, we look up to the stars and wonder what is waiting there for us. Will we ever be able to cross the borders of our solar system and travel to distant galaxies?

50 years ago we came a step closer to this question with the first moon landing.

Now is the time to take the next big step and visit planet Mars.

Project Baraka should make this visit possible. Manned with capable astronauts, equipment, greenhouses, 4 transport ferries and powered only by the power of sunlight, this project represents the beginning of a constantly manned station on and around Mars.

At the beginning of this entry was the great solar sail, which should propel the space ship Baraka (named after the light ship from "Star Trek DS9") on the way to Mars. I liked the idea of a fuel-less drive, even though I later discovered that with this size of the spaceship, the solar sail would have to be many times larger than shown here. But the model looks imo nice and that's why I left it that way :)
#mars mission
#solar sail
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