M2M.01-MP Moon Port

Discover the M2M.01-MP Clark Moon Port!

Passenger or payload capsules are accelerated in an electromagnetic Verne gun and sent to Mars.
On their way, capsules use ion thrusters for a steady acceleration on the first half, then rotating using fuel powered propulsion and then again using the ion thrusters for steady deceleration, which generates little gravity to make it more comfortable for the passengers.
Passenger capsules can be accessed at the Terminal using a scissor lift.
Capsules enter the tube from the railway yard, where they can be ranked and equipped by a mobile lifter.
Passenger and payload capsule have the same diameter so they can be accelerated in the same tube.
They also share the same propulsion engines, reducing development time and Costs.
At Mars, capsules enter an orbit and where they are received by a Mars Orbit Station.

#mars mission
#classic space
#nasa space mission
#jules verne
#arthur c clarke
#stanislaw lem
#andreas eschbach
#carl sagan
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