The BummbleBee class Drop ship
The BummbleBee class Drop ship was made to carry as much cargo to mars as possible by nasa and other travel companies to set up the most sustainable camp they could, but acts as the main transport to mars constantly traveling to the moon and back with more passnengers and supplies for the Alpha mars camp It requires a minium crew of 2 to operate the craft however it can carry up to 20 passengers or 15 and a hover craft for scouting missions on the mars surface for looking for minerals and other resources. It has one hyperdrive in the middle of the back section and two rocket thrusters on each back wing. It can fly either using the main thruster, its 2 rocket engines or all for max speed for traveling to mars in less than 1 day
This was a really challenging build with making the angles stable enough to hold onto the structure of the ship as it was the first time ive used such an odd cockpit design as this one with the huge bubble window so i wanted to make it all fit neatly as possible
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