The Ares Program
The 2045 Ares program calls for 18 missions, mostly
launching components. The Prometheus module contains fuel, food, and is docked to four other
vessels: the Command Module Icarus, the two boosters, and the orbiter
Perseus, which docks with the lander Orion. Large solar panels augment the fuel cells. Inside the round space are two centrifuges
giving the crew gravity, their rotation gradually slowing to reduce gravity to Mars' 38%.
Ares 11 takes a crew to the moon to test the ship. When Ares 12 arrives at Mars, a crew of
four use the Orion to take a giant leap for
mankind. A crew then transfers to Habitat, the four-module
base of operations launched prior, and lands on the surface. With its own food and fuel stores it will support the large crew through the Martian winter.
Also launched early are three spacecraft designed to brew rocket fuel. They help land Habitat then launch individually
to refuel Prometheus. There are three, but just one contains enough fuel for the mission home.
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