Bric-Separatr BS23

With many of my pieces gone in the form of contest entries or different displays, my collection didn't leave me much to work with. Or so it seemed. It seemed so that is until I took a look in that Brick Separator bin and a little lightbulb appeared over my head, indicating a genius idea. Seriously. Well, maybe not. In fact, the original idea was about the best part of this model in my opinion, it didn't turn out quite as spectacular as I had planned. Still, it was an interesting experience trying to implement such strange pieces into a spaceship, I would love to hear some feedback, to see what you all think.
Other than that, if you are yearning for a smooth lift to Mars, the Bric-Separatr is the smoothest of smooth rides in existence, and only for $70,000,000,000 too! On sale for 25% off, while supplies last! Hurry up, and get yourself a trip to Mars!

Happy space travels!
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