S.R.S (Solar Radiation Shuttle)

For my submission I decided to make a thin, sleek, one manned shuttle. It's called the S.R.S (Solar Radiation Shuttle). That is because it maps the surrounding area in relation to the sun using the suns radiation(using its satellite antenna). After it knows where everything is, it uses that radiation mixed with solar power (that's why it has big fins/wings) to power this mega-powerful-2100-jigawatt-battery (M.P.2100JW.B) to propel itself along the emptiness of space, all the way to mars and beyond. It also has a cargo holder on the back to store supples to start a mars base. It's massive wings also double up as stabilisers and legs. So it can walk along the terrain of mars. They  can move in different ways for different functions. I also nicknamed it the "Plant", because it uses the sun to make energy like photosynthesis, thats why its paint job has some green in it. Also I made a mini-rover to accompany the pilot on mars. 
I hope you like it!
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