Ouranos Rocket - The Titan of Space

The Ouranos rocket, named after the titan of space, is a never-before-seen type of rocket. The rocket will leave Earth on rocket fuel. Once it breaks through the atmosphere, it will run on electricity. When the battery is close to dying, it will be replaced with a fully charged one from one of several battery charging stations in orbit. The battery charging stations will be solar powered. The dead batteries will be recharged at the orbiting battery stations and used for the return trip to Earth. Food will be sent to Mars, before the astronauts arrive, in robotic pods carried by smaller rockets. Some food will be grown in the pods on the way to Mars. Oxygen and Water Tanks will be sent in separate pods while so they don’t get stale. To prevent micrometeorites, the rocket and astronaut suits will be covered with Whipple shielding.

#battery charging stations
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