The Impossible City Spaceship

The Impossible City Spaceship is a giant spaceship. It can hold an entire city, and it has the resources to make it to Mars or beyond. It has a total of 16,810 pieces. Its propulsion system is 10 Hall-effect thrusters in the back (the black and blues things), and inside the hall, there are 20 EmDrive Engines (I couldn't really add the EmDrive engines, because it wouldn't be structurally safe in lego form), and 31 Arcjet Rockets. This ship and it's engines are powered by a fuel cell of hydrogen peroxide, water, and lightning. In total there are 8 of those fuel cells, and there is enough supplies to last for a year after arriving to Mars. If the government doesn't want to risk a lot of lives by landing the ship, they can put it into orbit, and send down the vehicles in Picture 4. Also the force-field ison at all time to keep the atmosphere inside of the The Impossible City Spaceship, and in Picture 3 I took it off for a better view of the inside.
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