E/C 45X0

My entry is my own creation and not a Volvo prototype.  Here is the story behind this machine.  It is 2035 and overpopulation is beginning to have its toll.  The demand and cost for building houses is through the roof and construction companies are begging for something.  All the construction vehicle manufacturers all got together to make what is known as the E/C 45X50 Drone.  Due to the high cost of construction and the extremely strict international environmental laws, the E/C 45X0 is an electric machine.  The machine is 100% computer driven and humans only have to turn it on.  The drone has a battery life of 48 hours when being used at max.  It can life nearly 6000 pounds with the battery as a counter weight.  This Machine has a surveillance drone to get a birds eye view of the construction site and can be changed between a excavator and crane making it very cost efficient.  The machine can also travel on any terrain with its all independent treads.  
#all terrain
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