Other World

When creating this entry for this competition, I wanted to fantasize a bit. I thought I'd create an alien planet. It is supposedly similar to Earth, but quite different. The grass on it is blue, the water-like liquid is red, and additionally some rocks levitate to form floating islands. The project shows in the foreground an alien research site with many antennas and research stations. There is also one large floating island. We will also find specific vegetation. In turn, in the background there are many other islands on which a cosmic city with modern buildings is built. We will find there, among others, the headquarters, a research center and even a statue. There are also many stars and planets in the sky.
My favorite uses of individual elements are: skis to build an antenna, coral as an unusual bush, tails to build large flowers, unicorn horn as small strange plants, boomerang, harpoon, claw, binoculars to build buildings in the background.
I hope you like my project ;)
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