Vintage 60s lowrider

'Low and slow' as they say. This model is based off of typical vintage 60s lowriders.
Features include:
  - Fully posable suspension that can be adjusted without the removal or addition of any pieces.
  - A flashy paint job with chrome detailing in homage to real life lowriders, which are known for their extravagant exteriors,
  - A nice interior featuring a chrome steering wheel, speedometer, radio, and handbrake which can easily hold a minifigure.
  - 217 pieces.
  - Twin chrome exhaust pipes coming out of the rear hood.
  - Varying poses, including low, fully jacked-up, and 'tilted'.

The lowrider is 6 studs wide (except for the side mirrors), 18 studs long, and never exceeds 10 bricks high, regardless of what pose it is in.

I am aware that many of these pieces do not exist in the colors shown, however, as mentioned earlier, I felt that I must pay homage to the real life cars that inspired this build, so I decided to ignore this discrepancy.

Hope you enjoy! please vote!
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Build a Vintage car to cruise the streets of LEGO® Modular Buildings!

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