A Dame to Brick For

I knew she was trouble the moment she walked in the door. Brunette, dressed to the nines.
Or perhaps better, I haven't seen many dressed numbers.
'Sam, I need your help' she said.
Well, of course she would say that. I doubted she was in need of help delivering flowers, though. Anyways, helping is my buisiness. Most I enjoy helping myself to a steak, but sometimes getting to that goes through helping others. They call me a private eye, but for the right amount I can be all ears or the helping hand as well.
'I need to show you something in my boot' she said. I must confess to a slightly raised eyebrow here, trying to foot up the quip this situation so justly deserved. The dame had no time to wait for my thinkbox to click into gear, though. She was already out and down the stairs, 'you coming?'
Of course curiosity got the better of me. Curiosity is used to that, and has started to smile like a shark when I'm near.

She opened the boot.

Yep, not flowers.

#private eye
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