Water delivery in the desert

It has been hot and dry, with no sight of rain, way too long!
The last spring dried out, and the people living near the desert, desperatly need water.

Who is brave enought, to go on this harzadous journey, across the dangerous desert, to deliver the urgently needed water, and to save the people?
No one else, than the heroic Defender, of course!

This bright green micro scale Land Rover Defender bravely makes its way through the hot and dry desert.
Neither the roughest terrain, nor the greates heat, or even the sandiest hills and dunes can keep the Defender from doing what's needed.

After all, nothing stops a Defender!

I hope you like my micro Land Rover Defender!
If xou do, I'd love to read your comment :)

#land rover defender
#rough terrain
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Show us your LEGO® Land Rovers in heroic moments!

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