"Mashup Madness": United We Stand.

Tired of being ravaged by evil wizards, aliens, four-armed warlords, mad scientists, giant sea creatures, dogs, cats, bare feet, and the all consuming sucking-storm (the vacuum!), the LEGO realms have united together.
To combat the threats that are too formidable for any single theme, they formed a team consisting of; a brave medieval enchanted suit of armor, a cocky droid from space, a patient robotic samurai, a respectable steampunk automaton, and a shifty cursed pirate wreck.
Featured is a maiden in the castle window, a mini spaceship, the Destiny's Bounty, and a pocket watch.
I hope you like it, please let me know which one is your favorite, and if there's any other defenders that I might could add to the team,
Ti Binli
#castle theme
#space exploration
#space ship
#steam engine
#pirate ship
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Exhibit your creativity in The LEGO House!

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