1547: Black Knights Boat

This set, whilst fairly obscure caught my eye at my uncle's in a box labelled 'lego'. Unfortunately, I couldn't take it home. However, I thought now would be a good opportunity to instead recreate it, albeit not entirely faithfully!

This model uses pieces at the bow and stern originally used as feet. Their webs allowed me to attach decorations and have a character of their own as well. The boat holds no minifigures and is smooth inside.

Whilst the orginal had four black elements on the sides, presumably for resting oars, I used lever elements instead which are pointed towards the bow and stern which create an impression of curvature.

The rear is probably the most different from the original model as it had a fairly basic oar holding device. In contrast, my model gives the dragon a spiked tail and holds only one oar, not two. The use of the spear in lieu of an oar I think works well and given the original held a couple of spears itself, seems only fitting.

#black knight
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