Wolfpack, 1992

The Wolfpack theme was a supernova that enlighted the already bright sky of the Lego Castle world in 1992 with just two sets - if we exclude some minifig appearance in other sets and a very small dedicated set in 1993.

The thing is: these two sets were incredibly amazing. A world on their own.
A fortress on a rock surrounded by the sea, and a wagon to transport people and stuff. What else do we needed to imagine countless adventures?

This micro-scale model is my attempt to pay homage to that amazing Castle sub-theme. I tried to preserve the proportions of the different elements that made up those sets, using just existing (colour-verified) Lego elements only, getting to the limit where everything is as small as possible, but still recalling the original details.

I really hope you like! :-)

Happy birthday, Lego.
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
90th Anniversary: Castle Theme Celebrations

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