My First Lego Set: 7950 Knight’s Showdown
7950: Knight's Showdown. It may not be the grandest or most extravagant Lego set out there, but it’s the one that got me into Lego in the first place, and as such, it will always have a special place in my heart.
When I was a kid, my family couldn’t afford to spend much on toys. My parents worked full time, so during the summer, they would drop me and my little sister off at my Abuela’s house so she could watch us. She did her best to keep us occupied, taking us on walks or putting on the tv for us, but there was only so much we could do.
One day, she took us along to run some errands, and I remember coming upon the Lego aisle for the first time. It was magical. My Abuela said she would let me pick out one small set. My eyes immediately fell upon a small castle set. It had Minifigures, a sword, a catapult, everything I could have ever wanted. I begged her to let me take it home. She agreed. That was it, my first Lego set, and from there my love for Lego has only grown ever since.
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