The NEW KINGDOM: “Niccotiti” at LI MOHN
The Le’gonian Institute & Museum of Natural History Invite you!
Witness and explore natural relics of the past, surrounded by ancient artworks of Amarna, Egypt. Feb.1 - Mar. 21, 2024, at LI & MoNH.
Step back in time, to revere natural art and historic medium-use innovations; as museum visitors enjoy the sights & sounds of the ancient world. Uncovered in 1912; visitors will marvel at the 14th-century BC sculptor (Leg-o-mose)’s work, in this hand-crafted limestone bust -that forever captures the grandiose stoicism of Egyptian ruler- "Niccotiti".
Natural limestone is one of many materials found in the ancient world, used to create works of precious and sustainably historic art.
C. 1370 BC (Thebes, Egypt) to C.1330 BC – the legacy of Niccotiti’s reign boldly lives on, in this masterful display (C. 1340 BC). Includes hand-tool-carved limestone, hand-painted naturally sourced dyes, and rich adornments of native gold. This historic piece draws affluent interest from around the world!
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