North American Indigenous Exhibit

Welcome to the North American Indigenous Exhibit, showcasing objects that reflect the indigenous way of life in the old days.

Here I've built:
  • A totem pole with an owl, beaver and bear
  • A canoe with a wood-carved man. Birchbark canoe was light and easy to maneuver, great for traveling thru dense forests.
  • Dog sled -an effective winter travel method to carry loads across snowy terrain.
  • Longhouse -built with sapling frame covered with birch panels.
  • Teepee -easy to take down and re-build, perfect for clans who traveled often to hunt
  • Snowshoes and snow goggles -invented by early indigenous people to walk in deep snow and prevent snow blindness.
  • Talking stick -used as a symbol of authority to maintain order in community meetings. The person holding the stick had the right to speak while others should listen respectfully.

Architecture and outdoor space are also what I enjoy a lot from museum visits as much as the exhibition. I tried to include these elements in this build. Hope you like it!
#totem pole
#native american
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